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1. aroma: [ə'rəumə]refers to a strong, pervasive, pleasant odour, such as that given off by burnt goodpipe tobacco, coffee, or appetizing food.


The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air.


2. scent: [sent] refers to an odour, natural or artificial, delicate and often pleasant.


There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the room.


3. perfume: [pə'fju:m] refers to a sweet smell esp. from an essence of flowers.


A faint perfume of jasmine came through the open window.


4. fragrance: ['freiɡrəns] refers to a sweet or pleasant smell, and stresses a delicate smellfrom plants.


Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?


5. bouquet[bu'kei]:refers to a pleasingly sweet typical of a wine or liqueur.


This brandy has a fine bouquet.


6. olibanum: [əu'libənəm] refers to an aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asiantrees of the genus Boswellia and used chiefly as incense and in perfumes


To improve the processing method for olibanum containing volatile oils and resins.



例句-1:Johnny tells everybody he got an A for everysubject last term. I'm afraid he's telling a fib—Ihappen to know he got at least one B, but he's tooembarrassed to admit it. Johnny告诉大家自己上学期门门功课都得了A,恐怕他撒了个小谎,我碰巧知道他至少有一个B。他只是不好意思承认。


Fib是无伤大雅的小谎,有一种fib的动机甚至更容易被理解,是出于礼貌或者为了别伤害他人的感情。这种清白无辜的谎言就称为:white lie。White lie是动机善良的谎话。换句话说,虽然没说实话,但是至少有理由这样做。好,我们来看一个例子:

例句-2:I told Sally a white lie when she asked me how I liked her new party dress. I didn't likethe color or the design but when I saw how happy she was with it, I told her it looked great. 当Sally问我喜不喜欢她新的宴会服的时候,我对Sally撒了个无辜的谎言,其实我并不喜欢那件衣服的颜色和设计,但我看到Sally对那衣服的满意劲儿,我就告诉Sally那衣服真漂亮。

所以white lie就是出于好意而说的小谎话。

我们刚才学了两种无伤大雅的谎话的说法。接下来要学的习惯说法所表示谎话却和刚才两个性质截然相反。它是:lie through your teeth。我们马上要听一个例子,讲的是一起枪杀案,法庭已经听取了所有的证据和证词,接下来检察官要来总结案情。

例句-3:When the defendant says he didn't shoot the woman, he's lying through his teeth. Hisfingerprints were on the gun and he was standing over the body when the police arrived.

大家都听清楚了吧? 尽管被告矢口否认开枪杀人,然而铁证如山,枪上有他的指印,而且警察抵达凶杀现场的时候看到尸体就在他脚下。检察官由此得出的结论是他是在昧着良心抵赖。

可见lie through your teeth类似于中文的俗话:红口白牙,当面说瞎话,也就是编造弥天大谎。

我们再来学一个解释谎言的词: whopper. Whopper也是弥天大谎,但是whopper是令人难以置信的胡扯,有时可能不带恶意,而是说着玩的。好,让我们来看下面一个例子,说的是Joe去钓鱼发生的事情。你来判断一下Joe估计别人会相信他事后说的whopper吗?

例句-4:Joe went fishing. He came back all wet without his rod and reel and told us a realwhopper. He said he caught a fish so big it pulled him out of the boat and swam off with his rodand reel. Joe去钓鱼,回来的时候浑身上下都湿了,钓鱼竿和绕线轴也丢了。于是他编了个故事,说自己钓上一条大鱼,但是鱼实在太大。反而把他从船上拖下水。那条鱼还带着鱼竿和线轴游走了。