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我们先来举个例子:比如说开心,开心有很多词汇可以选择,常用的有happy和glad,高级一点的有enjoyable和pleasant,再高级一点的还有incredible和delightful。应用到实际的托福写作中,最常见的就是使用it is 做一个强调句来凸显这句话的特点,例如:It’s delightful to have friends from distant lands。



It is an undeniable fact that human activities harm the Earth。

这句话中that后边引导的就是要强调的内容,即an undeniable fact. 为了突出harm the Earth是一个不可否认的事实,做成这样一个句子。

Only through effective measures can the government resolve the dispute。

这句话强调的就是only后边的effective measures,而且翻译过来是只有同过有效的措施,强调的唯一性,无二法门。




素材一:Norway has the highest standard of living in the world and Niger the lowest, according to the UN's Human Development Index. The index takes into account life expectancy and education as well as income per person. South Africa's AIDS epidemic has left it in 120th place in the rankings, despite its relatively high income. The country has fallen 35 places since 1990.

素材二:Niger is once again in the grip of a food crisis, if not a full-blown famine. The distress sales of livestock, the heavy migration and the deprivation the country suffered in the early 1970s have all revisited it again this year. Niger is, by the reckoning of the UN’s Human Development Index, the poorest place on earth. Most of its inhabitants eke out a living growing subsistence crops on small plots of dusty, infertile land. Despite this agricultural bias, the drought-stricken country cannot feed itself, even in good years. An estimated 2.5m people out of a total of 17m have no secure source of food. When harvests fail, which they do almost annually, that number shoots up. In 2012, when the worst of the recent food crises ravaged the Sahel region, almost a quarter of Niger’s population was said to be going hungry, prompting desperate relief campaigns by international donors.

素材三:HAOWA was already struggling to feed five children before she gave birth to triplets in the Gabi region of southern Niger 19 months ago. Now, when her babies scream for food she often finds herself helpless. “If they cry and I have nothing to give them, then I must let them cry,” she says, cradling two infants who bear the hallmarks of malnutrition. Their hair is yellowing, their bellies are distended and their expressions glazed. They lack the energy to shake the flies from their faces. It is a dismal but depressingly common picture in west Africa’s largest country.

素材四:This perpetual food crisis is compounded by doggedly high fertility rates. With an average of 7.6 children per woman, Niger has the world’s highest rates. Poverty, ignorance and poor access to contraception are contributing factors, as are cultural issues like competition between wives. Men in Niger tend to be polygamous, and local doctors note that their spouses often try to prove their value by outdoing each other in child births. This contributes to Niger having the highest population growth rate on earth. At current projections, the number of inhabitants will more than triple between now and 2050 to 55m.


When we think about those poverty-stricken countries, a image of people living in a destitute and dismal life floods into our mind. There are myriads of examples available globally which can shed light on the fact that the miserable life makes people suffer deeply. Niger is, by the reckoning of the UN’s Human Development Index, the poorest place on earth, once again in the grip of a food crisis. Most of its inhabitants eke out a living growing subsistence crops on small plots of dusty and infertile land, as a result of which, the drought-ridden country cannot feed itself even in good years, precipitating the famine to cyclopean dimensions. Moreover, this perpetual food crisis is also compounded by doggedly high fertility rates owing to the local cultural issue making women endeavor to prove themselves by outdoing each other in child births. This gloomy living situation can be best portrayed by the depressingly common picture. The infants, all too often, bear the hallmarks of malnutrition. Their hair is yellowing; their bellies are distended; their expressions are glazed and they even lack the energy to shake the flies from their faces. As a result, their death is brewing. Under such circumstances, in no way should the local government close its eyes to the pliant of its people insomuch as nothing can be achieved unless the government relieve the sparse food supplies. It is a sure bet that there is no better way to augment people’s living condition for those backward countries than to be bound up in practical things.

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